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Page 1 of Eye problems...

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Eye problems...

Gavski (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th August 2003, 11:46

Over the last year or so I have begun to see strange web type, clear patches and spots around infront of me. After weeks of wondering I have found out these little blighters are called "floaters" which everyone will experience at one stage or another. So nothign to wory about as they are shadows from blood and scratches from behind the eye...

But recently, mainly when driving or at longer distances on certain signs, boards or car rooves I can see a small raised edge along it, like a reflection or "extra bit"
Does anyone else get this - i`m told its not double vision as that would be larger and on everything around me...
Is this just light dispearsment? or refraction?

Just to put my mind at rest really and make sure im not the only freak here...

RE: Eye problems...

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 5th August 2003, 11:53

When was the last time you had your eyes checked? :)


RE: Eye problems...

Dazb75 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 5th August 2003, 13:11


I think I know what`s wrong with u.

If it`s a semi-opaque bit appearing above the original sign or anything ... then it`s informally called ghosting. It`s very rare and caused by a stigmatism in ur eyes. If u wear specs, it can be cured by wearing contacts. The nearer the lense to ur eyes, the less bit will appear. I have it, and it really bugs me ... but there nothing I can do about it, so I just live with it. Just don`t tell my car insurance company!


RE: Eye problems...

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th August 2003, 13:36

It may be that but I would get them checked at once. In six months time you don`t want to hear "If we had only caught it six months earlyer"
All the best,

The 42%er.

RE: Eye problems...

Gavski (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th August 2003, 14:22

This is true.
I went for several opticians appointments last year - and each one said i had 20/20 vision.
Yes Daz, exactly that - a ghosting like you get on a tv set when too near another aerial!
I dotn wear glasses tho or contacts - but i believe you could be right as I have read about this while trying to research on the web.

Its more annoying than anything. But it hasnt worsened or got better over the last few who knows...

RE: Eye problems...

RichTea (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 5th August 2003, 15:40


Don`t want to alarm you in any way but I would get it checked out asap. My wife had this a while ago and was told nothing was wrong as you say, so she`s learned to live with it.

However a work colleague of mine also had the same problem and went along to the optician, to be rushed to casualty with a detached retina, which if left untreated can cause blindness. She was operated on and was fine afterwards, but it served as a bit of a warning.

I`m sure theres nothing wrong, but I wouldn`t take a risk where your eye sight is concerned.

All the best,

RE: Eye problems...

Fitz (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th August 2003, 18:40

Yeah, agree with all those who suggest a visit to the opticians. It`s 99% unlikely to be so in your case, but my wife had vision trouble mainly in the left eye with what seemed to be some sort of tunnel vision. Anyway a visit to the opticians resulted in her being referred onto a specialist and it turned out to be a benign tumour on the pituitary gland pressing on the optic nerve. As it happens, it was operated on forthwith and full vision was restored. So like the man said, go to the opticians sooner rather than later. All the best.


RE: Eye problems...

crispy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 5th August 2003, 19:59

Unfortunately astigmatism can`t be sorted by contact lenses; it basically occurs because
your retina isn`t a perfect sphere. Instead it tends towards a `rugby ball` shape, meaning the
point of focus differs for different parts of the retina. This `rugby ball` shape can occur in
different axes in the eye and as it is virtually impossible to put a contact lens in in a specific
axis, contact lenses aren`t appropriate for this visual defect.

Best thing is to get your eyes checked to find out exactly what the problem is; astigmatism
is supposed to be something you`re born with, but I`d beg to differ-I didn`t have problems `til I
was 24!

RE: Eye problems...

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th August 2003, 20:26

Floaters do usually take a few flushes before you are finally rid!


RE: Eye problems...

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 6th August 2003, 10:04

I have an astigmatism in my right eye, I think its been getting slowly worse over the last 10 years. Got to go back to the optometrist in 6 months time for another check just to make sure it isn`t getting worse too quickly.


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