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On to the next great conspiracy debate ....

tychobear (Competent) posted this on Monday, 6th August 2001, 09:05


Setting aside the more colourful theories of Zeta Reticuli and all that, what do people think about the possibility of aliens coming over for a visit?

Have they already been here? In antiquity and/or more recent times?

Where do they come from? Why are they here, if at all?

Was Roswell a genuine event or just a military cover-up of a more Earth-bound conspiracy (oooh, there`s that word again)?

What about Holloman AFB in 1963 (which was allegedly used as the inspiration for the finale of Close Encounters of the Third Kind)?
Or Rendlesham Forest?

Let`s hear those opinions !

RE: On to the next great conspiracy debate ....

Phil R (Competent) posted this on Monday, 6th August 2001, 09:32

more importantly..have you noticed how Clayts and Dan B never post in the same thread?!

..and David Duchovny didn`t appear in the last series of the X-Files because he really WAS kidnapped by Aliens - a fact aluded to by the storyline that his character Mulder had been kidnapped - yeah right.

..and for those of you who point out his appearance in the film Evolution - that was quite clearly a dummy. Come to think of it, the rest of the cast weren`t too convincing...

RE: On to the next great conspiracy debate ....

clayts (Elite) posted this on Monday, 6th August 2001, 10:09

I like to think that we are not alone, and would imagine that any other race (I tend to shy away from `aliens` as a description - for me it always conjures up images of green monsters with tentacles and suckers) would be as equally bewildered as us if our paths did cross.

It`s a big old place the universe, and it`s surely possible that (uh-oh radical view coming up here : this is my opinion, okay...) the random events that caused life to spark into action on this mortal coil happened somewhere else as well.

I think the more realistic question is would you run like a scared cat if you met someone not of this Earth - I think I probably would !

Interesting debate this one - hope it doesn`t turn into another barrage of 30-point postings like the Apollo one !!!

RE: On to the next great conspiracy debate ....

vern (Competent) posted this on Monday, 6th August 2001, 12:31

I agree with Clayts, surely due to the vastness of the universe you would think life somewhere else would exist. What is interesting is what form this life form would take, I mean due to lack of oxygen on their planet would they have bigger bodies as they would need bigger lungs, as an example.

Would we as a race be ready for an event of meeting Aliens, what would be the ramifications, just think if they showed us how to travel at light speed what effects that would have on us ! or if they could eradicate all diseases, stuff of science fiction I know but maybe not !

After watching Space last night, I`m more worried about these Black Holes floating around now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: On to the next great conspiracy debate ....

tychobear (Competent) posted this on Monday, 6th August 2001, 13:11

As a certified (or at least, certifiable) astro-nut, I`m convinced that we aren`t alone in the Universe.

With our galaxy of 100 million stars, multiplied by at least the same number of galaxies in the Universe, it seems ridiculous to assume that the same conditions that arose on Earth over the past 4 billion years didn`t get repeated many times over in other places. And that only accounts for life similar to our own. There are possibilities of life based on materials other than carbon. All that is required is a system of energy production that doesn`t require oxygen.

Anatomy would be almost anything that is suitable for the circumstances in which they live. We evolved due to the environment of the world to give us height, speed, intelligence (um ...), steroscopic sound and vision (this is a DVD forum after all!), a sense of smell, taste and touch. What senses and anatomy might evolve for creatures living on very high gravity planets, or very low. Or on planets which orbit stars that emit powerful radiation, or give off light in wavelengths other than what we see in.

Over the past twenty or so years we`ve also discovered just how resilient life can be - living under the surface of salt flats, or at oceanic thermal vents at the bottom of the sea. Places where there is almost no light, and no oxygen.

The more contraversial question regards whether there have been any living creatures from elsewhere that have come to visit Earth. My imagination and curiosity want the answer to be yes, but I have to say that my reasoning says, probably not.

Assuming for a moment that the lightspeed limitation cannot be broken, any journey across the galaxy would take decades at best. A starship travelling to the nearest star would need four years at lightspeed (an unattainable speed) to get there. In all probability, we would need a fifty years to cross that distance in any practical spacecraft design. And Proxima Centauri is not likely to yield life. So any journey that would reach us from a more likely candidate star would take centuries. Not impossible, especially if time is not perceived in the same way by our theoretical aliens, but still pretty unlikely.

If we could travel faster than light (Einstein`s limitation actually states that it requires an infinite input of energy to attain a speed exactly equal to the speed of light, so travelling FASTER isn`t theoretically impossible, just very improbable. This takes us into the realm of probability mechanics and quantum physics which, to say the least, wasn`t my strongest subject at Uni) then there seems very little restraining aliens for coming to Earth to study us strange bipedal water sacks. So where are they?

The most convincing bit of "evidence" that we are alone in our *local* neighbourhood comes from radio astronomy. With the exception of the big "Wow!" yome years back, there have been no signals detected that could be considered indicative of intelligence. We`ve been chucking out high-power radio frequency transmissions into the ether for over seventy years, which means that anyone in a region of space comprising basically one and a half million cubic light years could have heard us. And in all our searches looking at nearby stars, we`ve never heard a thing. That means no-one in the neighbourhood is transmitting on a signal that we can detect.

The chances of us being the first kids on the block is remote. Don`t forget that us mammaly have only been around some 100 million years, double that for good measure and you can realise that we have only been evolving towards intelligence for 200 million of the 15 billion years the Universe has been in place, roughly 1.33% of the time. It would seem logical that if we could develop in the 4.5 billion years since the Earth formed, why couldn`t others develop earlier in the history of the Universe? So they should be there.

My opinion is, they are there, but not nearby, and not communicating on a level we can detect or understand. They may be aware of us - we`re not exactly hiding ourselves under a blanket - and are ignoring us, or studying us from our transmissions, or slowly, carefully, laying their plans (oops, sorry, had a Richard Burton moment there).

Of course, they may also be watching us like dispassionate documentary cameramen, watching the wildebeest happily watering blissfully unaware that the leopard is fifteen feet away and about to pounce ...

Who said paranoia couldn`t be fun?

RE: On to the next great conspiracy debate ....

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 6th August 2001, 15:37

I`m sure there`s this girl near where I live who`s an alien then, as she has ENORMOUS lungs.

RE: On to the next great conspiracy debate ....

Rich Goodman (Admin) posted this on Monday, 6th August 2001, 16:16

Of course we`re not alone. Don`t you watch the BBC documentary Dr Who? The universe is populated with:-

Daleks/Kaleds, Thals, Sensorites, Menoptera, Zarbi, Rills, Drahvin, Cybermen, Ice Warriors, Dominators, Krotons, Quarks, Nestenes, Silurians/Sea Devils, Axons, Sontarans, Wirrn, Zygons, Fendahl, Minyans, Ogri, Jagaroth, Atrions, Movellans, Mandrels, Argolins and Terileptils to name but a few.

Many sightings of these races have been recorded and are regularly broadcast on TV channels across the world. Some of these broadcasts have even been released on DVD:-


RE: On to the next great conspiracy debate ....

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Monday, 6th August 2001, 16:18

Just to disprove another great conspiracy theory, I`m going to post in a thread where Clayts has already left his mark ;-)


RE: On to the next great conspiracy debate ....

clayts (Elite) posted this on Monday, 6th August 2001, 17:57

What did I do - leave a trail of slime ? ;-)

RE: On to the next great conspiracy debate ....

Blazingmonga (Elite) posted this on Monday, 6th August 2001, 21:34

Hmm this debate is fairly.............debateable........

But does it really matter though? I dont think it is worth even thinking about, at least not worth dreaming of aliens visiting us or vice versa. Its not impossible its just not probable or likely. If you know what I mean.

We have more important things to think about, things all too sadly within our reach. Terrible, tragic, horrific things - like George Dubya Bush, etc.

But you are all right with what you say though.


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