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Page 1 of Stella....

General Forum


Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th March 2008, 14:45


Do you guys have any adverse effects when out boozing on Stella?

The reason i ask is the last couple of occasions i`ve been out and been on Stella all evening I`ve ended being a right tosser to put it mildly.

A few weeks ago i was out with a mate and apparently i just started swearing and being really abusive to these poor girls that were walking past.....

Then on Saturday nite i was drinking stella and vodka all evening....again.......we met these lovely girls and helped them get a cab home but apparently when they were getting in their cab i just switched and started swearing at them really only memory of that evening was one of the girls shouting ` i hope you get gonnoreah` at me........:D

Ok it may be slightly funny now but i was really worried about it all day yesterday the fact that these poor girls now think i`m basically a c*nt.......

I`m just putting down to the Stella cos thats the only thing i can think of and i`ve heard numerous stories before.....I`m sure it aint called `wife beater` without a reason :/

I`m really embarrased about it tbh........i wish i could meet these girls again just to say sorry ....... :(

This item was edited on Monday, 17th March 2008, 14:53

RE: Stella....

whoot (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th March 2008, 14:45

what? wife beater? nah.. its lovely stuff.. doesnt turn people bad at all.

*why we clap..?">" class="forumImage" />

RE: Stella....

The Jackal (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th March 2008, 15:12

In some parts of the UK, wife-beater is slang for Stella Artois, the Belgian lager. Coincidence? Probably not. While the word's history is uncertain, most people associate the fashion with Marlon Brando, who reprised his Broadway role of Stanley Kowalski in the 1951 movie A Streetcar Named Desire.

Not known for his sensitivity towards the ladies, Kowalski didn't just wear a wife-beater. In the most famous scene from that film, he comes in drunk after a poker game and attacks his pregnant wife. When she runs away to the neighbors' apartment upstairs, he stands outside shouting her name: "Stella! Stell-ahhhhh!" Of course, there is also the possibility that drinking too much Stella Artois might make men more violent, but probably not more than any other beer.

The Jackal

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This item was edited on Monday, 17th March 2008, 15:17

RE: Stella....

Juls (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th March 2008, 16:47

I knew a guy who became a complete arrogant tosser and tried to use his fists when drinking Stella - the rest of the time he wouldnt even stamp on a spider for fear of hurting it - probably still a tosser though! Makes me a total and complete emotional wreck if I drink it in excess :/
Its also the drink thats responsible for most A&E probably did become a twat but hopefully learnt from it ;)

This item was edited on Monday, 17th March 2008, 16:50

RE: Stella....

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th March 2008, 17:10

Dunno about Stella, but I`ve got a mate we have to keep away from whisky.
Nice bloke, goes absolutely loopy on the stuff.
We`ve had to step in and stop him drinking the stuff loads of times.
If he orders it, we tell the barman to change it.
If he orders it and it reaches him, we`ll take it off him.
It`s for his own good, he`ll take the world on with a whisky in him... :/

RE: Stella....

rvshah (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th March 2008, 17:52

Stella is a nasty beer anyway, choose something better.

RE: Stella....

Stu UK (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th March 2008, 18:02

would it not be easier not to drink so much that you turn into a complete tosser? or is that much to easy ;)

mmm chocolate

RE: Stella....

Ivan Dobsky (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th March 2008, 18:23

It`s the only lager guaranteed to give me a hangover (that I`ve found so far, anyway). It only takes a couple of pints and I can be sure of a sore head in the morning. Four or five pints (or more) of other similar strength brews will see me clear-headed and fine.

Of course, I tend to drink red wine or real ale anyway, rather than lager, so it doesn`t bother me too much.

RE: Stella....

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th March 2008, 18:30

Got a friend who cant drink Stella, makes him act a bit wierd. His words, as he doesnt drink it I dont know for sure how he acts.

RE: Stella....

Brian Elliott (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 17th March 2008, 18:42

Stella is a nasty beer anyway, choose something better.

Couldn`t resist it in the Tesco sale the other day though!

Brian Elliott is a sports writer for the Belfast Telegraph newspaper, and is a regular contributor to DVD Reviewer and SLAM! Wrestling.

Please visit my website!

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