Info and forum posts by 'HelloShaun'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 18th January 2005, 11:49, Last used: Saturday, 21st October 2006, 19:51

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Panny DV515
Sony STR-DB930
B&W 600 Series
Rel Q150
Liteon 5005b (Oct04)
MadeMeOwn PC with NEC 1300 + 3500

This user has posted a total of 42 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.04 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Receiving feedback from a seller on eBay...

Don`t fret it, so long as you keep your negatives low or nil.

If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

RE: VR and Video Modes

Yes, VR is a format that allows editing. Even though the industry states that it is compatible with the majority of players the reality seems to be much less.

If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

RE: Copying DVDR Recorded Disks on the PC

Or even quicker use DVDdecrypter in IFO mode, this will result in showing you the PGC of each recorded title, from this you can also then elect which chapters you want to rip whcih is handy if you recorded a 1 hour programme but let it run on for longer.

Also the way that the VR format works you will see that a straight copy of the Video_TS folder of for example a 1 hour recording in HQ mode will cause a transfer of about 4.2gb, in IFO mode and transferring the PGC the transfer is only 2.1gb. This is because the VR format makes a duplicate, I presume for editting reasons.

If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

This item was edited on Monday, 13th June 2005, 23:43


If memory serves me correct the 4KUS is a rebadged Liteon unit, I don`t think its a heat problem although reading some views at helping the unit to run cool is not a bad thing.

I also dont think that copy protection is kicking in - as the liteons only seem to check for copy protection at the start of recording unlike other makes that check at intervals throughout.

You could also check to see if you can upgrade the firmware, failing that just take it back.

If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

RE: Liteon LVW 5001 Help Needed


Just seen your post and don`t know if this is too late but anyway:

The 5001 and 5005 range of Liteons only have a mono rf tuner however it will record in Stereo via Scart, which these does is not such a big problem with the multitude having some sort of digibox.

If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

This item was edited on Wednesday, 27th April 2005, 11:46

RE: DVD Recorder, I`m Confused!

I just want to record, watch and copy over, or pass to friends etc. I have Sky+ also. It will also be my mane player to watch films on so needs to be multi region and be as good as i can afford (£300 or so) and i gues play as many formats as possible so i can borrow stuff.

Getting away from the tennis match between Pioneer and Panasonic how about considering a Liteon, 5005 model for example at less than £120 will give you all it seems you need and will write to both +& - R & RW formats, as well as record audio, v and svcd, mp3 and jpeg. Multi region is a v simple hack, DV in, prog scan, rgb, best guider menu around and regular firmware support. 5006 has videoplus.

At that price you can get one now and have £200 waiting until the new models from other makers come out and really see how good they are, if you want to get one of the new ones the Liteon can then be moved to the bedroom, or you may not bother if it does all that you want :)

If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

RE: How do you build a Garden Shed?

If you`ve got the skills and resources to make your own, which it sounds is so, then avoid getting one from a DIY store, they are made quick and cheap to sell at to many eyes low prices. The reality is to expect a lifetime of only about 10 years if lucky.

By making your own you can build to YOUR design, it`s harder work but much more rewarding.

A decent base is essential, at least 6 inches deep of either concrete or paving slaps on a sharp sand & hardcore base - well compacted, deeper if on clay soil.

If you want a hard standing entrance so that you dont drag mud in, then include this when doing your foundation as it will be easier then than adding it later.

Unlike the DIY sheds whose timber has been dip treated, buy pressure treated wood instead and give them a good soaking with a decent clear wood preserver - that aint never gonna rot!

Pay particular attention to the floor bearers, these will be the point of contact with the ground so will be exposed to water and damp more than any other part, and you can never get at them again unless you disassemble the whole shed, so treat them with the aforementioned clear preserver and paint them with a quality water and rot resistant paint.

Also pay attention to any cut ends, make sure these are also well treated.

After that it`s all a matter of measuring twice and cutting. Shiplap gives a neater and stronger finish as each section is "locked" into the other which also eliminates draughts and rain being forced by wind into the inside of your shed, which can happen with featheredge.

Floor and roof bearers should be no more than 16 inches apart.

You could also consider finishing the roof with a bitumen mastic (the cold type can be applied from tin with trowel) onto which you lay a good quality GRP felt.

I built my "shed" (7m x 4m) about 12 years ago now and not a single sign of rot anywhere.

And don`t forget to cost in removing the waste soil, there will be a surprising amount of it.

Good luck

If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

RE: Whens Mother`s Day?

Just in case anyones forgot


If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

RE: 4KUS DVR-230 Firmware Update

Go to the Liteon site and in the firmware downloads section enter the serial number for your units and country, if it is not accepted under say 5005 then try 5006 and so on.

One of these should recognise your serial number and offer you a download, follow the destructions and burn your disc.

If you then want to try applying a hacked firmware such as that offered by wizard you can do this in the knowledge that these units are really quite resiliant to failed upgrades and will happily accept a re-inputting of the official firmware.

If you are cautious at all then email Liteon for advice - they do reply.

If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

This item was edited on Monday, 7th February 2005, 21:36

RE: Defrag question

Also start in Safe mode and you`ll have even less running for a better/quicker defrag.

For future, many pc mag cover discs carry free versions of third party defraggers such as O&O and the one I use - Diskeeper. These run much faster than the built in version and can also run in the background without having to close everything down.

I`m sure I`ve got a few sitting around if your desperate.

Or try a free trial from these peeps:

If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

RE: DVD Player won`t recognise some disks

Also try the discs in a friends DVD drive. if ok there then your drive could be faulty but before you go out and buy new try a lens cleaning disc.

If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

RE: Help on Telephone Savings

If you were a business I could help big time however:

18866 are on the verge of closing, Ofcom is looking in to them as they are operating in the UK without a base here, have no support other than email and too many complaints have been raised about incorrect payments from credit cards.

Much as I hate to say it Onetel of the infamous pink pig dialler are now quite a good offering for residential users.

Also try which has the blessing of ofcom.

If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

RE: help to disable macro on liteon 5005 recorder

Without getting into hacked firmwares try this (courtesy of a thread over at Videohelp)

Therefore, the simple way to disable macrovision is to do this:

1) Do all of your connections between the DVD Recorder and the unit you are recording from- EXCEPT do not connect the video cable to the unit you are recording from.
2) When you begin recording, choose the source you are going to record from. You`ll notice that it will be a blank screen, or fuzz (because you don`t have the video cable plugged in yet).
3) Hit RECORD, then after one second, hit PAUSE.
4) Plug the video cable in and UNPAUSE.


You should now be able to record from the device without problem. Works GREAT.

For this to work you cannot connect via scart, therefore connect using the RCA connections Red/White/Yellow with Yellow being the Video feed, connect from the rear of the VCR to the front input on the Liteon. If your VCR has no such output use a Scart adaptor - one should have been in the box.

If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

RE: Liteon LVW 5005 is it worth getting?

There is a site set up specifically for Liteon users (5005,5006,5045) quite small but trying to do good things.

If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

RE: absolute w***ers

Within the last 2 months I`ve had two incidents involving "kids", both times I had my 7 year old daughter with me and thankfully it came to nothing but verged real close.

Both times the overwhelming attitude from them was "Don`t give a s--t" but where does the blame lie and is it any worse than say 30 years ago? I can remember as a kid doing things that could be classed the same now, used to go round Woolwich in SE London wearing Crombie, Ben Sherman, Twotones and Doc Martens, happy to take up a challenge from anyone that wanted it. Gay, Squaddie & P---i bashing were also the order of the day as was the football rumble. For me this lasted I suppose less than a year then moved into putting Glam rock style gear on!

Going even further back, I remember taking a kicking for no reason, apart from offering myself up so my 2 younger sisters could get away.

My father, rest his soul, was Catholic, Irish and a Guiness lover and would tear the skin off me if he ever found out, this scared the out of me but I think the big difference was the knowledge that you had to be careful as there seemed to be cops everywhere, to me the answer lies with less of this nanny state and spending our money on more feet on the street. I noticed recently that a nearby town, Chatham, has posted warnings that consuming alcohol in public is not permitted, gee all well and good but what`s the point if takes a complaint or incident to alert the police of a problem.

It did seem to be so much safer (even as a short-term troublemaker) with police strolling all around.

I don`t like this nanny state, uncontrolled influxes of foreign cultures also create new dangers and it is sad that people leave this country due to fear. I for one would support any politician that would fight to increase the visibility of the police in the community. And we should be allowed to protect our families without fear of getting sued by the wrongdoer. How the hell can a drunk driver sue the parents of the child he killed for emotional distress!

If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

RE: Props to those fighting cancer


I downloaded the program earlier today, it wouldn`t let me register so was going to look at it better tomorrow, however I noticed the UD screensaver running but cannot see it running via task manager.

Is it running after all? Does anyone know what the running process name is so I can check?

Brilliant idea. I lost my father to that bastard disease, a very good friend was diagnosed with it but is thankfully all ok now.

So I would like to help.


If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

Friday the Funteenth

These came in this week, some are old but still crack me up.

I HAVE recently started to masturbate whilst fantasising about Jeanette
Krankie. My problem is that I cannot work out whether I am gay, straight
or a paedophile. What do your readers think?

K Walker(Wrexham)

COULD the Home Secretary explain to me how biometric checks on iris
patterns and fingerprints are going to help keep tabs on Abu Hamsa?

Les Barnsley, Barnsley

`ONE pound a week will supply water for an entire village in Tanzania`,
says Oxfam. So how come United Utilities charge me twenty pounds a month
for my three bedroom semi? The fleecing b * stards.

P Lowe (Crewe)

HOW come rap artist Dr. Dre can use the `N*****` word on his
multi-million selling albums and win a MOBO award, yet when I used it at
my son`s football match I was asked to leave the park? Once again, it`s
one law for the rich and another for the poor.

K Adcock e-mail

So HMV consider Andy Williams and Dean Martin to be "easy listening" do
they? Try telling that to my mate Andy. He`s been deaf for 20 years.


They say "you can`t judge a book by its cover". What nonsense. The last
edition of High School Anal that I bought featured a young lady stuffing
a big one up her bomb-bay on the front page, and this turned out to be
an excellent indication of the contents.

Dave H (Weston)

According to Nietzsche, `That which does not kill me makes me stronger`.
I`m sure my grandad would not agree. He suffered a series of massive
strokes in the early `90s which have left him an incontinent vegetable
for the past 12 years.

A Thorne, Sandbach

IT`S uncanny how some of these old sayings are true. `Absence makes the
heart grow fonder`, said my wife as she waved goodbye to me on the way
to spend a month with her mother. Since then I have grown quite fond of
my next door neighbour. I actually gave her one on the living room
carpet this morning.

Steve (Congleton)

The recent suicide of Harold Shipman has thrown up some interesting
questions. For a start, does Shipman killing himself take his official
tally up to 216, or does it count as an own goal? Where does this final
score place our national champ in the world league table?

Magnus, Sheffield

I was shocked to hear Home Secretary David Blunkett say that Britain`s
prison population has been ballooning for the past ten years. My God,
has the world gone mad? Those people are there to be punished, not to be
given `thrill of a lifetime` experiences that most law abiding citizens
can only dream of.

K.W.ex Crewe

The government says that there are nearly 50,000 people with HIV in
Britain, a third of whom do not even know that they have it. Is it just
me, or is it a bit harsh that the government know and haven`t told the
poor sods?

John Campbell, e-mail

Never mind ventriloquists like Keith Harris and Roger DeCourcey. What
about Professor Stephen Hawking? I saw him on telly blathering on about
galaxies for hours and I never saw his lips move once. Genius.

Phil (Coppenhall)

With reference to that series "Manhunt" where ex-Special Forces soldiers
try to hunt down Andy McNab. Why don`t the producers include a couple of
Iraqis in the hunting team? They found the tw *at quickly enough the
last time he played hide and seek with them.

Dave H----Email

It`s all very well Meg Ryan getting her kit off for her new film, but
why wasn`t she doing it twenty years ago before her puppies hit the pan?

Karl (Wrexam)

I would like to thank Darren of Chelsea for not coming to Australia with
Jenny. She is a great sh * g. Thanks again. Baz, Bondi

Hats off to the witty burglars who stole my entire CD collection with
the exception of "There is Nothing Left to Lose" by the Foo Fighters. I
hope that when sentencing, the judge takes into account their splendid
sense of humour.

Chris Scaife, Jesmond

Hats off to the American police. They arrive at Michael Jackson`s
Neverland ranch to arrest him a mere six months after he admits climbing
into bed with young boys on worldwide TV. Perhaps they should get some
faster cars.

T Barnham, London

If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

RE: Co-axial connection??

That what i`ve done with my daughter. Little awkward but you`ll soon get use to it.


If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

RE: any software to locate an ip address - right to there location?

Full version 8, can email it if needed.

If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

RE: any software to locate an ip address - right to there location?

Or Computer Shopper magazine cover disc this month includes Visualroute.

Good to have choice.

If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

RE: Home-build PC advice...


It started out with:

I`m going to build a PC...VERY low budget...I can`t go over £400 total.
I already have XP Professional & Office XP and will get a cheap TFT monitor when it`s built.

Its now moved to £541 - for a tight budget that`s quite an increase.

The dell option is by no means a bad offering, it uses up £180 more than the components suggested. You miss out on the fun and experience of building your own. (TFT monitors are now coming in around the £160 mark)

In exchange you have a warranty to fall back on. I gave up on customer service depts, enhanced cost telephone support numbers many moons ago and have been doing my own ever since. If a part fails I can get it replaced and running within hours if so needed.

But don`t let me influence you :D

As ever, its your money, your choice.


If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

RE: Help required please


As no-one else has replied, have you tried emailing AKAI direct, they must have it archived somewhere.
i suggest asking each of their sites independently.


If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

RE: Home-build PC advice...

Or at Savastore:

Radeon 9250 SE 128MB DDR DVI TV Retail £30.54inc. Itemcode: 10279300

£4 more saved.

If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

RE: DIY advice request concerning downstairs cloakroom project.


Having probs trying to visualise.

Going clockwise around the room with side "A" at the top or 12 o`clock position, side "B" at the 3 o`clock and so on.

Where is the WC going to be? in corner of A/D, fixed to Wall A facing to wall C with the sink in the Corner of C/D fixed to wall D?
Which corner will the cloakroom be in?
The drain cover I take it will be 600mm longest dimension. Where is this in room? (900 mm from wall A, 250 mm from wall B with the longest dimension parallel to wall B, for example).
You say Cloakroom will be 900mm wide, you also mention creating wall with plaster board and studding. Are these walls to create the cloakroom?

Firm believer in putting stop valves on all taps.

Cannot work out why you need the basin to be moveable.

"There are two doors at each end both in the middle of the end walls", should I be reading this as four doors? unlikely but not impossible.


If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

This item was edited on Friday, 21st January 2005, 09:49

RE: Home-build PC advice...

Novatech Athlon Pentium4 MidiATX Tower Case 300W PSU 3x5.25", 2x3.5" (1 Int.) In Black £19.98 inc .vat

I can honestly say that this is the easiest case to build with that I have even seen. All the building can be done with the MOBO tray lying flat on your work surface, and then you just tilt it up and it slots in - brilliant! Excellent price too!

(not my review by the way)

If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

RE: Home-build PC advice...

What are you looking for it to do for you? Unless you want to keep up with playing the latest games you could set your sights a bit lower.

Starting off with 512 stick of Ram will set you back £42 - freeing up 70 odd quid, you could then add more in when you`re feeling a bit flush.

This could cover you for an Abit Radeon R9200SE Graphics Card AGP 8x, 128mb, DVi which is in the £34 range (or you could spend more)

ASUS K8N-E Deluxe, 8xUSB2, Firewire, Serial ATA, Raid, blah,blah, blah. = £74

Nice case at around £30.

7 in 1 Card Reader built in about £15 or less.

Job done and enough left over for a brew.

Depends on what you want to do with it - anything you build will be out-dated within a few weeks anyway.

Used PCIndex to get these prices.

If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

This item was edited on Thursday, 20th January 2005, 23:22

RE: Is there software that can

Can`t help with your query but had to congratulate you on your signature. Nice.

If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

RE: Nero

Just been to the site, had to choose a mirror server and manually "click here" if download doesn`t start, but the download began OK.

Think it`s just a matter of patience, Ahead`s fault for making software that is good.

If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

RE: Who`s the hottest Actress/Model/Singer? (A picture thread)

If I had time to upload pics:

The gorgeous Lexa Doig (Rommie from Andromeda)

Tera Patrick !!!!

Jolene Blalock (Enterprise)

Charisma Carpenter

Ali Landry (Her of the Dorito`s Ads)

No, must stop.

If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

This item was edited on Thursday, 20th January 2005, 10:49

RE: Noisey SKY + fan?


If it`s always been noisy and it`s out of warranty then try cleaning round the fan grill, do this when the unit is powered down.

If the hard drive on my puter whirrs enough to sound like a fan, I`d be frantically making sure I did back-up my data and system :D

There are quiet fans on the market, certainly for the Computer industry but I would be loathe to advise you to open your case and replace your fan unless you were absolutely happy about doing so. Your local pc shop should be able to help.

Have you looked at any dedicated Sky forums/sites?

The cleanest bedroom will always have more dust floating about, nothing to do with you being a "dirty bugger or anything.

Failing all of this you could build yourself a soundproof/reducing enclosure - cardboard box and styrofoam (or something like that)


If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine

This item was edited on Wednesday, 19th January 2005, 18:02