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Page 1 of The official DVD Reviewer "PC brigade killing Xmas" thread

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The official DVD Reviewer "PC brigade killing Xmas" thread

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 4th December 2005, 10:49

Feel free to post any links or stories relating to the killing of the Christmas Spirit here.

Perth, Oz. Santas banned from saying `Ho, Ho, Ho`, for fear of scaring the kids

Target Stores in the US have banned any reference to `Christmas` in their seasonal advertising

It`ll never heal if you don`t stop picking...

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RE: The official DVD Reviewer

porno for pirates (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 4th December 2005, 11:59

Here`s one: Santas oppose `winter` lights

How many people are seriously offended by Christmas, anyway? Perhaps a tiny minority of fundamentalists? Most of these wacky decisions seem to be made by over-zealous white bureaucrats who're after a "Diversity Awareness" gold star.

This item was edited on Sunday, 4th December 2005, 12:00

RE: The official DVD Reviewer

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 4th December 2005, 13:38

That Perth one doesn`t surprise me one bit. Very typical (and stupid).
Guess where I was bought up? :/

This item was edited on Sunday, 4th December 2005, 13:38

RE: The official DVD Reviewer

Zovirax (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 4th December 2005, 14:24

Christmas died years ago all it is now is want want,spend,spend,debt,debt,suicide,suicide

......God Im a miserable bastard.

RE: The official DVD Reviewer

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 4th December 2005, 14:37

I`m with Zovirax - Christmas was great when I was a kid but I`m completely sick of it and haven`t celebrated it in years.

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Oh no, it wasn`t the airplanes. It was beauty killed the beast.

RE: The official DVD Reviewer

Hulk Smash! (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 4th December 2005, 14:45

....ah, yer misery guts! Crimble is great - can`t wait!! Happy birthday JC!! :x :D

"All those things I can do.... all those powers. And I couldn`t even save him."

RE: The official DVD Reviewer

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 4th December 2005, 15:38


Crimbo, it`s CRIMBO! ;)

I`ll tell you something, I`ve never heard the word "crimble" before, but it`s already on my `Words I`d like to fling into Mt Doom` list.

I love Christmas. But I do admit it gets a bit much by the time the 25th rolls around. That`s why you should avoid shopping centres and GMTV and their, "Only 164 shopping days left" pish.

Oh yeah... Ken is a badass dude!

RE: The official DVD Reviewer

Hulk Smash! (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 4th December 2005, 15:52

Crimbo, Crimble, Crimby, Crimmy.... :p

"All those things I can do.... all those powers. And I couldn`t even save him."

RE: The official DVD Reviewer "PC brigade killing Xmas" thread

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 4th December 2005, 16:13

There are countless articles regarding how Christmas is being wasted and killed by several groups but in all honesty.
None of these humbug riddled scheitte shufflers will be sitting round our table on the day.
My good lady,our beautiful daughter, my dad, our daughters fiance and myself will sit around the table.
We will all enjoy each others company, have a great meal, have a few drinks a good laugh so basically f*** all those erseholes that want to destroy the day.

f***emall :D

Choagy FFCUK The SPL :)

RE: The official DVD Reviewer

Billyflash (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 4th December 2005, 16:30

seems to me that the PC brigade look for anything to do down the traditional Christmas atmosphere. I don`t think we have the same people spouting their PC crap whenever a non-christian feast etc is on the calender. Why can`t we have an anti-PC campaign and get rid of the t*****s. I don`t think they do anything to help the anti-non christian views, and in some instances I think they actually make the situation a lot worse.

ps, Batavia...................bought up????? Is that a freudian slip?


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