Info and forum posts by 'kileer'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 31st July 2001, 20:46, Last used: Tuesday, 31st July 2001, 20:46

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 52 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.04 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

`The Game`?

I`ve checked on Criterion`s website ( ) and there seemingly is no mention of Fincher`s `Game`. So where did you hear about this?

Criterion is a DVD company which basically puts together the best DVDs on the market. They go to great lengths to search out for rare material and then put anything they can onto their discs. They also remaster every DVD they get to give great picture and sound. Unfortunately they do this at a price - but you get what you pay for. Also sometimes Criterion loses the rights to distribute some films so the titles then go O.O.P. (out of print) (like `Robocop` and `Silence of the Lambs`) and you will have to pay way over the odds to get these titles second hand.

BTW, the only Criterion disc I`ve got is `The Third Man`, which at £25 for just one disc isn`t the bargain of a lifetime!

RE: Anyone seen Battle Royale yet ????????

It is one EXCELLENT film but is nowhere near as gorey as they say it is. Most of the violence isn`t prolonged and not dwelled over it`s just the shock of seeing children (well about 16/17 actually) being forced to kill each other. The way the violence is started is quite shocking - for example the infamous lighthouse kitchen massacre is shocking not for the depiction of the murders (just simple gunning down) but for the mundane way the scene starts and it`s fast and brutal slide into violence. There is one nasty murder but the guy who gets it kind of deserves it anyway... Anyway as I said it is one brilliant film and at £8.50 there really is no reason to ignore it. Infact it is so good there would be no reason to ignore it at £20! also do it but for £14 though this does include P+P and I don`t know whether coolashop does...

RE: why is THE MUMMY RETURNS in the dvd box set cut?

>"the mummy was always uncut"

I could SWEAR you`re wrong - I am almost positive it came out originally with a `12` then a few months back they released it uncut with a `15` certificate.

>"Headbutts are the current "no-no" in British releases"

You`re right - they even cut a Disney film (`Mulan`) for having a headbutt!

Kevin Smith films on UK DVD!!!

I made a post about when they would be coming out a while ago and Kevin Smith has heard my prayers and is releasing `Mallrats` on R2 DVD! YAY!

For an RRP of £12.99! YAY!

With f.a. extras! NAY!

Oh well looks like I`ll be forced to get it on R1... nay...

RE: Is it worth joining Brittannia DVD club?

WOAH! WOAH! Okay, I won`t join, I won`t join. I always thought `Godfather Part Two` was overrated anyway. ;¬P

RE: Is it worth joining Brittannia DVD club?

Well yeah but I`m tempted by their offer of `The Godfather Trilogy` for just a tenner so that means a saving of £50. Okay a bit of quick maths...

£23(what they`ll make me pay) - £17(what I normally pay) = £6

So I`ll have to pay an extra £6 on each DVD I buy so if I am obliged to but 6 DVDs from them then... £6 * 6 = £36 extra

£50 (saving) - £36 (extra spent) = £14 saved

Hmm, I am quite tempted now... Does anyone have any more words of warning bearing in mind that I do pay all of my bills on time AND I can quite easily buy 3 DVDs a year.

RE: why is THE MUMMY RETURNS in the dvd box set cut?

Well if it`s anything like the last one they`re going to release `The Mummy Returns` uncut next year therefore making all the people that bought the first, cut, release buy it again if they want to see the full film. They`ve done it before with `The Mummy` and I bet you good money they`ll do it again.

So you can either buy the cut version, wait for the uncut version or buy it uncut abroad today.

RE: Is it worth joining Brittannia DVD club?

A couple of questions about the `Brits`...

1) How much, typically do they charge for a disc? Is it the usual £20 or is it different to this?

2) What kind of stock do they have? Can you buy any DVD you want or just a selection?

Find out company`s REAL addresses (not PO BOX numbers)

Just call at your local post office or call the Royal Mail on 0845 7740 740, tell them the PO box number and they will tell you their REAL address. So you have no need to worry about companies hiding behind PO boxes - you can go straight to their doors and complain!

RE: Twin Peaks Pilot - click on `(L) - Western` - there should be one there called `(2085) Twin Peaks Âù®p¡]°gÂ÷§T¡^` and this is the pilot. There are also a few copies knocking about on Ebay if you like.

`Brighton Rock` on DVD?

In the DVD magazine `DVD review` in the `Region 2 Releases` section (in association with ) it has `Brighton Rock` down for release on the 5th December. But I can not find any information about this release anywhere - not even on . Does anyone know anything about this?

Kevin Smith films in the UK

While I know `Dogma` is out on DVD over here but why are none of his New Jersey trilogy out? After the success of `Dogma` and the upcoming anticipation of `Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back` surely this would be the perfect time to release the films on DVD to cash in on the publicity?

Does anyone know if they are coming out over here or whether I`ll just have to buy them from the US?

Goodmans 3500PK - details?

I saw this in Comet for £200 including 5.1 amp/speakers/etc included, does anyone know if this player is any good? What the sound/picture quality is like, if it`s region hackable, etc...

ANY comments will be gratefully received.

RE: Problem with 2001:a space odyssy - The Stanley Kubrick Collection

I have the S.E. version (with cel and CD soundtrack) and an LG 3200E DVD Player. Mine also messes up with the trailer being unplayable and the locking up and freezing after the `Intermission` and nothing can be played from this point onwards (even if I go to `Scene Selection` and choose). It seems to not be able to find the scenes. I cleaned the disc and it still didn`t work and I have tried it on other machines (such as my PC one and my friend`s one) and it works PERFECTLY on them. But having said that a couple of discs play up on my LG and I`m trying to get a new one.

RE: Anyone know when the new Bladerunner disc is out?

Does anyone know which versions the discs have on them? I know there is the original version which includes a narration and a happy ending and a later version (is this the director`s cut?) which has neither of those things and is supposedly `better`. But what discs have what versions? (It would be nice if one disc had both for comparison purposes but I doubt it).

RE: natural born killers in the UK!!!!

I thought it was out ages ago - am I being crazy?

I`ve heard a bit of conflicting stories about it - I`ve heard from somewhere that the UK DVD is cut as it doesn`t feature the rape scene (where Mickey decides that he will have sex with the hostage after all). This can`t have been cut by the BBFC (as the BBFC states that no cuts have been made) it must have been cut by the distributors. If it has at all that is. Anyway it`s more like a shot, not a scene, and lasts less than 10 seconds and so is fairly incidental. Does anyone know if the shot is in there or not?

Oh - and the box set contains 6 art cards, an A2 reproduction of original cinema poster and the original Screenplay by Quentin Tarantino with an exclusive cover. At least according to here ==>

This item was edited on Tuesday, 6th November 2001, 17:29

RE: `Battle Royale` (R3) - MovieTyme

I paid £13 :¬( I didn`t know about but I will in future thanks STORMTROOPER. (these people are really inventive with their website addresses aren`t they?! :¬P )

And it arrived today!!! 4/5 days it took for delivery AND they claimed it might be a bit late what with Christmas just round the corner. Excellent, excellent service again (I used them for my `Akira` tin as well). I will be watching it tonight.

`Battle Royale` (R3) - MovieTyme

Does anyone know if the navigation screen is all in Japanese and I`ll just have to guess my way around the disc or if it has English words?

Also I ordered it from MovieTyme on Thurs/Fri night any ideas as to when I`m going to be getting it (I haven`t received the invoice/e-mail saying they`ve sent it yet)?

Thankyou all kindly.

RE: Am I a pillock or what?

Umm... it`s... ah... the arousal of somebody by... err... well, quite frankly, urinating on them. :¬x Or is it being aroused and THEN urinating... Well I`m not quite sure and really I don`t want to know.

BTW, it`s illegal in my country to show urologia on video, the BBFC don`t allow it. Anyone caught with material showing the act can, and probably will, be prosecuted.

RE: I got taxed on a Play247 order!

Hang on... I thought you NEVER got hit by customs for items from Play. Something about the place they shipped from..?

RE: Lard - three colours trilogy coming out soon

Well Play only have them seperately but I`m sure they`ll eventually package it as a box set. Here`s hoping!

RE: Memento

"It does exist - but only one the french version.


"its on my canadian region 1 from play."

So if I buy the R1 DVD from Play247 I will get the one that includes the option to watch it chronological order. Is this correct?

Also more chronological madness: in the United Arab Emirates `Pulp Fiction` was completely re-edited to remove all of the intercutting withthe three stories just being told one after another, the Vincent/Jules/Bonnie thing was first and the film ended with the gold watch story. These crazy people!

The Bush 2004 player is NOT macrovision free

Ignore what everyone else says (unless my sources are wrong, which they well could be). The first editions were macro-free but now are not...

"The DVD specification includes the use of the Macrovision copy protection system, which when used with a disc containing the Macrovision flag degrades the video synchronisation signal. Interestingly, the first version of the DVD 2004 did not respond to Macrovision encoded discs. Bush has since rectified the situation, avoiding this legal hot potato by modifying production to include a Macrovision-capable video encoder chip. Luckily it`s the only alteration made, so new models still transcode NTSC to PAL and remain multiregion capable for hassle-free Region 1 disc viewing."

The full article can be found here ==> courtesy of the TotalDVD reviewing team.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 24th October 2001, 17:36

RE: Am I a pillock or what?

"Hello I`m the bloke that likes ***********. Can I have my film back please"

Well that censored bit has 11 letters so are we looking for a sex act that has 11 letters? And don`t tell me it`s something sick like urologia or I`ll kick you. That is, after I`ve recieved the disc of course ;¬D

RE: £5 Bargains at EzyDVD

Ridiculously it`s not called `The Third Man` it`s called `The 3rd Man` or, I can`t fully remember, just `3rd Man`.

Their stupid minds! Stupid! Stupid!

RE: £5 Bargains at EzyDVD

Ridiculously it`s not called `The Third Man` it`s called `The 3rd Man` or, I can`t fully remember, just `3rd Man`.

Their stupid minds! Stupid! Stupid!

RE: Who reckons

Captain>We DO have a national anthem - it`s `God save the Queen` and is sung at every national event. You know, the dreary one that goes `God save our gracious Queen/Send her victorious/Happy and glorious/Long to reign over/Us as queen` Sad huh?

Phil de la Nacho>An anthem to the left? Sounds good enough for me! Better that than an anthem that singles out one person for special treatment just because she happens to have, by luck, inherited a dumb title and receives £7 million + a year just because of this. For the new English anthem I vote for the Sex Pistols` "God Save the Queen" (God save the Queen/the fascist regime/they made you a moron/potential H-bomb/God save the Queen/`cos tourists are money/and our figurehead/is not what she seems/God save the mad parade/And there`s NO FUTURE/NO FUTURE/NO FUTURE/FOR YOOOOOOOOOOU)

How come MovieTyme have...

just increased the price of the `Akira` tin from £30 to £35? This smacks of price fixing...

Play247 and weird words

What`s with putting `Delivered` after the prices? What are they saying? That all they did before was take your money and then not deliver the DVD to you?! ;¬D

But seriously, why are they putting `our price: £11.99 Delivered`? I`m really intrigued...

RE: Any bargains in Cornwall ?

I was thinking of putting `Trago Mills` in my thread but they only stock `bargain` videos - the £5.99 ones (though they chop another quid off them making them just $4.99!) And the last time I went there I managed to get `The Hudsucker Proxy` (the Coen brothers) for £4.99! And also in the racks was `The People Vs. Larry Flynt` which I`m gonna buy next time!

This item was edited on Saturday, 25th August 2001, 12:14