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Info and forum posts by 'The HMDR Alcohol Machine'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 9th December 2002, 12:36, Last used: Friday, 1st January 2010, 11:50

Access Level: Competent

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 242 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.03 messages a day, or 0.21 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Rage Against the X-Factor?

And.. no matter if the RATM lot do out sell the X Factor song... it won`t be a number 1... they will just manipulate the charts .... God Save The Queen anyone?

RE: Middlesbrough sack Southgate

"At about 2am on 5live they were already linking the Leicester manager with the job. Bastards."

Don`t they always link our manager with a vacant post.. I`m sure there was "manager shortlist" notepaper with Martin O`Neill printed at the top....

NP is bound to be linked... but then again Strachan appears to be front runner.. along with the other usual suspects... Souness... O`Leary... etc...

Mind you if we get Davids.. maybe NP won`t want to leave...... :D

RE: Tax Credits

Get in touch with your local MP. All MP`s have a direct "hotline" to the Tax Credit lot. Just shows how bad it is.

I have had no end of issues with them.. when I speak with the faceless call centres I get the usual usless response "computer says no".

When my MP got involved it was amazing how quick they replied.

RE: The axeman Les Paul RIP

Sad day... such an innovator.... multi tracking... solid body guitar.. (although I`m sure Bigsby and Rickenbacker might have something to say about that!!!)

How high the moon?.........


RE: The axeman Les Paul RIP

Sad day... such an innovator.... multi tracking... solid body guitar.. (although I`m sure Bigsby and Rickenbacker might have something to say about that!!!)

How high the moon?.........


RE: anyone ever had any business cards made, and got a recommendation?

Vistaprint do some free ones... you have to pay p+p...

You can select from certain templates.... the downside is they advertise themselves on the back..... but its just their website... at least it was last time I did it....

RE: Ever been overcharged in a supermarket ?

One of our local supermarket had a nice error on their Self Scan. It would failt to recognise multi buys.... unless you pressed go back after you had pressed finish and pay now....

I was also once charged £27ish for a pizza....

RE: Being a postie!

and don`t forget you`ve got to walk at 4 miles an hour...

RE: House insurance

Are you in a Union?.. see if they do insurance.

I get mine via my Union.. 3 bed mid terrace... Accidental, Witchcraft and Luddite cover... We had the drains redone a couple of years ago... £380ish all in...

RE: Pub Quiz

Ant Hill Mob and their faithful car Chug-A-Boom

And Professor Pat Pending

RE: Oh Well Thats All Right Then :)

Think Clarkson summed it up perfectly...

They lent money to the Jerry Springer audience and now we`re screwed..

RE: The FA are at it again/.........

Surely the FA are just hiding behind this statement.... at the bottom of the original statement

"Under the FIFA Laws of the Game, The FA is prohibited from taking disciplinary action when incidents are seen at the time by the match officials."

As the linesman has admitted to seeing it... they can`t take action..... so it`s all the fault of FIFA....

Doesn`t say they can`t take action against the linesman for being poor....

RE: Trojan crap*

Try the removal tool offered by Symantec....


Bitdefender is here .... At the bottom part of the page... click on the "download" link not the Trojan name.. Also make sure you get the right one.. there appears to be variants.

It looks like you need to disable system restore... other wise it could restore itself...

This is based on an XP machine...... if you are running Vista have a quick look on the internet on how to disable it..

Right click on the My Computer Icon select properties and you should see System Restore on the the top left of the tabs. Click on that and select "turn off" You can turn it back on later....

IF you need to go into safe mode.... reboot your computer... keep tapping the F8 key. You should get a menu with an option for Safe Mode..... Safe Mode in theory is the minimum required to boot the machine.... no fancy drivers etc loaded.

Try the removal tool.... try SuperantiSpyware.... Try Malwarebytes (never used it, but lots of people keep mentioning it).... scan scan and rescan.....

As mentioned before.... you could just flatten the PC.. format and reinstalling... but you`ll loose whats on the computer... and where`s the fun in that!!!!!!!

Just out of interest... is the PC a shop bought one.. Did it come with recovery CD`s? If so you should just be able to boot of these and it will reinstall for you and return the PC to the state it was in when it came out of the factory...

BUT once again.. I will state.. you will loose anything you have put on it.. music.. docs.. internet favourites.... etc...

It is your choice.....

This item was edited on Monday, 12th January 2009, 15:07

RE: Trojan crap*

Another problem you have is that some companies will call a virus by a different name...

Symantec call it B.zekrE.23W[at]....MM Also Known As: W32/b.ifaZ[at]MM [McAfee], Zafi.B [Computer Associates], W32/Zafi-B [Sophos], PE_ZAFI.B [Trend]

They also have a removal tool...

RE: Trojan crap*


Stick it in Google and see what comes back...

First link I got was from Bitdefender and they appear to have a removal tool....

RE: The most useless piece of trivia you know

Eric Morecambe was once hired to be the straight man to another comic called... Ernie Wise......

Thought of some more...

Lemmy was a roadie for Hendrix....

Buddy Holly was the first person to play a Fender Strat in the UK..

The reason you can`t get you kids toys out of the packaging (all those tie wraps) is because of some EU law that states that it must be able to all a certain height without breaking etc....

Christopher Guest (Nigel Tufnell in Spinal Tap) can sit in the house of lords...

Bloke who voiced 7 Zark 7 in battle of the planets also voiced Scrooge McDuck in duck

Charles Manson auditioned to be a Monkee

Oh and my Mum`s friends brother invented the world wide web.. Berners-Lee bloke....

This item was edited on Saturday, 4th October 2008, 20:44

RE: Tax query

When I had a second job... tax was at basic rate....

Plus as its the Tax office they will f*ck it up by default....

This item was edited on Tuesday, 23rd September 2008, 21:25

RE: Is respect dead???

Sad to say I agree .. respect appears to be dying...

Having listened to Radio 2 today about the "lollipop ladies / men" who get abuse for helping children cross the road ... I begin to wonder where we are going....

Only recently our next door neighbours kids came running into our garden knocking on the window.. messing around.... we know them fairly well... but I can`t help thinking that I would never have done that when I was a kid (I`m 35)....

I even started to tell my kids that "when I was a lad" you would never just run into a garden.. event to get your ball back... you`d pass the ball walk up the path and knock on the door!!!

And.. while I`m typing..... how many times do my kids stop and let old folk past and they don`t have the manners to say thankyou... or I see the local vicars kids p*ssing around in the the church yard in the Garden of Rememberance...... I pride myself on making sure my kids have respect for certain things.... Maners.. no p*ssing around in the church (running over graves... and no I`m not a God botherer.. infact the Jovies took their free book back from me!!!!)....

Anyway.. where was I ... oh yes.. Respect is a dying art....

RE: Any musicians offer some advice

Though the Bareknuckles for the Strat are only £60 odd quid, so that`s not too bad.

They do look nice.... is that £60 a set or each....

Is it a Fender strat or a copy.. what about just getting some new covers?...

I`ve known guitarists who spend ages aging their guitars to look yellow!!!!!!

RE: Any musicians offer some advice

Any pickups you can recommend HMDR?

To be honest its been a long time since I looked at replacement pickups.. EMG and Seymour Duncans were the ones of choice back then...

I did use an EMG active (needs a battery) which just blew the others out of the water so my guitar just sounded unbalanced....

I need to get my pickups replaced on my Strat.

Just out of interest why do you want to replace them?

RE: Any musicians offer some advice

Exactly. I`m buying another guitar on the weekend, and only have £300 to spend. That`s very much on the low-end of things, because ideally I`d be spending more like £1k+.

You can`t have too many guitars!!.. :D

My better half says you can.. although... apparently you can`t have too many shoes......

RE: Any musicians offer some advice

I need to get my pickups replaced on my Strat. Don`t know whether to get it done at a shop or attempt it myself.

Depends if you can solder!! :D

RE: Jerry Reed Dies.

There`ll be some car chase in Heaven now The Claw has joined Smokey (Jackie Gleason)!

and some version of Guitar Man with The King :D

RE: Jerry Reed Dies.

No chuffin way... :(

that`s a way to spoil my day.....

The Claw has passed on... no ... its wrong..... wrong I say.. wrong...

RIP indeed.....

This item was edited on Tuesday, 2nd September 2008, 20:56

RE: They`re Baaaaaack!!!

Will the Arabian Knights also feature.???... Size of an elephant etc....

RE: How to make average of £70 an hour

It`s Thomas McRockiln all over again!!! :D

This item was edited on Monday, 4th August 2008, 07:35

RE: Some questions for any fellow guitar players....

That... I`m afraid is a "how long is a piece of string" question... it`s all a matter of taste.

Ernie Ball... D`Addario.. RotoSound.. Dean Markley.. all well known.. all have their fans.... all very good strings.....

Strings Direct

have reviews from users about the strings.... I`m not saying use them.. but the reviews may help guide you...

I used to swaer by Dean Markley.. but recently they have been not so good... the last time my guitar was set up a set of Ernie Balls were put on... which seemed ok...

I am currently using a load of cheap unknown USA strings... £2.99 a set.. which are ok.. but loose their tone very quickly...

I am looking at changing to Picato strings.... terrible web site... but when you see who use them....


One not mentioned on that page is Snails Pace Slim of The Hamsters.....

On the pic front I tend to use Nylon pic`s... they tend to wear out as instead of break... as it happens I use 0.88mm... go to you local shop and try them out... or what about these.....

Chicks On Picks... :D

This item was edited on Sunday, 20th July 2008, 23:16

RE: Electric guitars from £25 + delivery

few comments worth reading.

Fair comment... maybe this is more of a bargain for some one wanting to get a cheap guitar to mess around with... learn how to mod them... or open tune and learn slide...

One comment that caught my eye was something on line lines of.... a cheap guitar will break in a year?!??!?!!... WTF????

I have a few old guitars.... and they all play fine... and they all fit the cheap and cheerful bracket.....

RE: Electric guitars from £25 + delivery

Crickey..... It would almost be rude not too....

Mind you I have been informed by my better half.. on many occsions... that it is posible to have too many guitars.... but not too many shoes........